How I saved my mother from her weak heart

Comments on the Health Freedom Resources Network's newsletter "Spirit of Health" at

You betcha I have something to say about the Newsletter you all put out!!!! I haven't saved 
every single Newsletter, but I have really saved several I thought was something I might 
use. In fact I started my own egroups for ladies and I told them what happened to me. 

About a month ago, my father called my husband and me to get across the road to their house 
(we live in the country, and we do not have money for a hospital visit. He said if we want 
to talk to mama, he thought she was probably going to die. Her heart was barely beating. I 
walked in there so sad because I felt helpless, knowing that they both have said if 
anything goes wrong with them, they just want to die there in their home. I suddenly 
remembered a Newsletter about Cayenne pepper. Moms pulse was soooo faint, and she said she 
was not afraid and she thought maybe she was going to go. I went to the kitchen and got 
Cayenne pepper (just the powdered stuff from the store) I was thinking, yeah, this stuff 
might not be strong enough, because only God knows where it came from and if its still 
good, even. But at this point it couldn't hurt. 

I told mom I was going to give her a teaspoon full of the Cayenne and it was gonna burn 
real bad, so she asked for a slice of bread and a glass of water. She made all sorts of 
faces, but she swallowed the Cayenne and the bread and the water. I'm not sure how long, 
but I think it was fifteen or twenty minutes later, mom told us she felt fine. We checked 
her blood pressure and it was more normal, and she had color in her face. She told us we 
might as well go home!!!! This happened one more time. Come to find out her doctor had 
changed her medication and it was causing her heart to slow down too much. She went to 
another doctor who changed her medication back to her old medication and she is fine now. 
You know what? Nobody could convince me that I did not save my mothers life twice in the 
past month!!!! I can't thank you enough for the Newsletters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you 
save one person, it is worth it. Thank God you were faithful to send that Newsletter!!!! 

I hope you aren't mad at me. I copied the Newletter and sent it to my group of ladies. 
There is 72 of them. I have been telling them that this worked for me. I don't tell anyone 
to try this. I just tell them it worked for my mom and I would do it again if I ever need to. I keep Cayenne pepper around. E.D. Okeechobee, FL.